Optimising Post-Exercise Recovery Through Nutrition - Vitamin D (Part 7)

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in exercise and overall physical well-being. It is an essential nutrient that contributes to various physiological functions, including bone health, immune function, and muscle metabolism.

NYB Team
By NYB Team
Oct 30, 2023
Optimising Post-Exercise Recovery Through Nutrition - Vitamin D (Part 7)

Vitamin D, crucial for maintaining calcium and phosphate balance, is primarily synthesized in the skin as vitamin D3 through exposure to ultraviolet B radiation from sunlight. It can also be obtained from dietary sources like oily fish, mushrooms, and eggs in the forms of vitamin D2 or D3, with D3 being more biologically significant. Further processing in the liver and kidneys leads to the formation of calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D, which regulates calcium and phosphate levels and impacts various bodily tissues through the vitamin D receptor.

However, widespread vitamin D insufficiency, especially prevalent during the winter months and among individuals with limited sun exposure, poses significant concerns. Research highlights a connection between vitamin D insufficiency and heightened post-exercise muscle damage and inflammation, suggesting the potential importance of vitamin D supplementation for such individuals.

Vitamin D has been suggested as a post-exercise recovery aid due to its positive effects on skeletal muscle regeneration and immune response modulation. Studies demonstrate varying effectiveness depending on the type and dosage of vitamin D and the participants' characteristics. Notably, supplementation with 4000 IU vitamin D3 for 4–6 weeks improved muscle force recovery and reduced blood markers of muscle damage, albeit primarily within the initial 24 hours post-exercise.

Contrasting the positive findings for vitamin D3, supplementation with vitamin D2, sourced from Portobello mushrooms, did not show significant benefits for muscle recovery, irrespective of individuals' vitamin D levels. Curiously, NASCAR pit crew athletes supplemented with 3800 IU/day vitamin D for 6 weeks exhibited increased markers of muscle damage after a 90-minute eccentric exercise protocol.

While vitamin D3 appears promising for enhancing post-exercise recovery, particularly during low sun exposure periods, vitamin D2 supplementation does not seem to yield similar benefits. Effective supplemental doses range from 2000 IU/day to 4000 IU/day for several weeks, with doses below 10,000 IU/day generally considered safe. However, caution is advised, as high doses exceeding 50,000 IU/day for an extended duration may lead to hypercalcemia, potentially weakening bones.

In summary, while vitamin D3 supplementation shows potential in enhancing post-exercise recovery, the choice of supplement type and dosage should be carefully considered, especially considering the risks associated with high doses and potential variations in individual responses.


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