eSports: Where Cognitive Fitness Reigns Supreme and the Impact of Protein

Esports demands high cognitive performance, but lacks specific nutrition knowledge. This review summarizes potential strategies to improve health, focus, and fatigue for esports players, paving the way for future research and tailored recommendations.

NYB Team
By NYB Team
Jan 29, 2024
eSports: Where Cognitive Fitness Reigns Supreme and the Impact of Protein

Traditionally, sports nutrition focused on physical prowess in activities like marathons and weightlifting. But what about competitive pursuits like eSports, where mental agility, lightning-fast reactions, and pinpoint accuracy are paramount?

Enter eSports, the rapidly growing phenomenon of video game competitions. With millions of fans and professional players averaging just 21-25 years old, it's clear that eSports demand intense cognitive skills. Think rapid decision-making, sustained focus, and unwavering resistance to mental fatigue.

While eSports' benefits, like improved attention and problem-solving, are recognized, a crucial gap exists: nutrition. Unlike seasoned athletes, most eSports competitors neglect dietary strategies, hindering their performance potential.

This blog aims to bridge that gap. We'll explore how nutrition impacts health, cognitive performance, reaction time, and fatigue in eSports. Our hope is to empower not just eSports players, but also young adults, as they navigate the demands of an increasingly digital world. 

In the high-octane world of eSports, where lightning-fast reflexes and razor-sharp focus reign supreme, protein is your brain's ultimate power-up. Here's why:

1. Brain Building and Maintenance: Your brain is hungry for protein! It boasts a whopping 10% protein content and constantly turns over 3-4% daily, surpassing even muscle mass (Banay-Schwartz et al., 1992; Smeets et al., 2018). This protein is crucial for building and maintaining brain cells, ensuring optimal function.

2. Neurotransmitter Powerhouse: Your brain uses protein to build neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that orchestrate every thought and action. Tyrosine and tryptophan, key amino acids found in protein, are building blocks for critical neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine (Chertoff, 2015). These chemicals regulate mood, alertness, focus, and reaction time, impacting your entire gameplay experience.

3. The Carbohydrate Conundrum: Ever feel sluggish after a carb-heavy meal? This might be due to the "tryptophan trap." High-carb meals elevate insulin, leading to the uptake of other amino acids by muscles, while tryptophan (the serotonin precursor) remains in the bloodstream. This increased tryptophan competes for entry into the brain, potentially leading to drowsiness and slower reaction times (Lieberman, 1999; van de Rest et al., 2013).

4. Protein to the Rescue: Protein-rich meals offer a countermeasure. They contain higher proportions of tyrosine, which competes with tryptophan for brain entry, reducing serotonin production and potentially enhancing alertness and focus (Lieberman, 1999; van de Rest et al., 2013).

5. Stress and eSports: eSports can be stressful, especially during tournaments. Stress depletes brain tyrosine, hindering cognitive function. Protein intake can replenish tyrosine, boost alertness, and enhance cognition, potentially giving you a competitive edge (van de Rest et al., 2013).

6. Research in Action: A study by Jakobsen et al. (2011) showed that a high-protein diet (3.0 g/kg body weight) significantly reduced reaction time in young adults compared to a normal protein diet. This suggests protein's potential to enhance cognitive performance, but further research is needed.

Protein is a crucial tool in your eSports arsenal. While more research is needed, current evidence suggests it can improve cognitive function, alertness, and reaction time. Experiment with different protein sources and amounts to find what works best for you, fueling your brain for peak performance in the arena!


Ribeiro, Fernando & Viana, Victor & Borges, Nuno & Teixeira, Vitor. (2021). The Emergence of eSports Nutrition - A Review. Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine. 33. 81-95. 10.18276/cej.2021.1-08. 

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