Maximizing Muscle Performance: Why Your Coffee Timing Matters

Effects of Caffeine on Muscle Performance: New research with Tensiomyography

NYB Team
By NYB Team
Feb 12, 2024
Maximizing Muscle Performance: Why Your Coffee Timing Matters

Caffeine, a common stimulant, is beloved for its ability to enhance alertness and athletic performance. However, the exact mechanisms behind its ergogenic (performance-boosting) effects remain a mystery. This article delves into the complexities of caffeine's interaction with muscles, exploring a promising new tool for optimizing its use – tensiomyography (TMG).

While past research focused on the nervous system's responses to caffeine, this article emphasizes its direct impact on muscle fibers. This is crucial because caffeine interacts with receptors in muscle cells, potentially leading to increased muscle fiber recruitment, faster muscle speed, and improved strength.

However, the picture isn't all rosy. While caffeine may enhance muscle function initially, it can also hinder its ability to recover and relax properly. This highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of caffeine's effects to maximize its benefits and minimize potential drawbacks.

One major challenge in researching caffeine's influence on muscles is relying solely on indirect methods. Previous studies have primarily assessed factors like blood caffeine levels, heart rate, and self-reported performance improvements. This doesn't offer a direct window into what's happening within the muscles themselves.

This is where TMG comes into play. This non-invasive and safe technology directly assesses muscle function by measuring the contraction of superficial muscles in response to electrical stimulation. Unlike other methods, TMG doesn't require effort from the subject and provides fast and accurate results without any discomfort or bodily modifications.

TMG offers a unique advantage: it bypasses the nervous system, allowing researchers to directly observe caffeine's impact on muscle fibers themselves, eliminating the potential for secondary effects related to neural interactions. This approach sheds light on how caffeine influences muscle characteristics like contraction speed and stiffness, providing valuable insights into its true influence on muscle performance.

Building upon previous research that identified changes in muscle function 60 minutes after caffeine intake, this article explores the possibility of an earlier "sweet spot". The hypothesis is that muscle reactivity may be maximized at the 30-minute mark, offering athletes a potentially more effective window for caffeine consumption.

This research signifies a significant step forward in understanding the complex interplay between caffeine and muscle function. By utilizing TMG, scientists can delve deeper into the temporal aspects of caffeine's effects, potentially paving the way for personalized and optimized caffeine intake strategies to maximize athletic performance while minimizing potential downsides.


Paweł Pakosz, Mariusz Konieczny, Przemysław Domaszewski, Tomasz Dybek, Oscar García-García, Mariusz Gnoiński & Elżbieta Skorupska (2024) Muscle contraction time after caffeine intake is faster after 30 minutes than after 60 minutes, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 21:1, DOI: 10.1080/15502783.2024.2306295